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Colon Cancer


Colon Cancer

Colon Cancer Treatment in Gurgaon India

Colon Cancer doctor in gurgaon: The overall incidence and mortality of colorectal cancer have been declining steadily during last few decades. However, the incidence rate of colorectal cancer has significantly increased over the last two decades in patients with age between 20 to 49 years.

The large intestine consists of mainly 4 regions: cecum, colon, rectum, and anal canal. The colon, which forms the major part of large intestine, is further divided into 4 main portions: ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, and sigmoid colon. The next about 15 cm long continuation of the colon is termed as the rectum.

How do I know if I am at risk for Colon Cancer? What are the causes of Colon Cancer?

Prevalence of colon cancer is more in developed countries, more so in the obese population. And migration to the developed countries also increases the risk of the disease.

But for the past few years, the incidence of colon cancer is decreasing in USA and Canada, whereas it is increasing in China and Japan. Moreover, it’s incidence in the population more than 50 years of age is going down, whereas, it is increasing in young population less than 50 years of age.

Family history

Risk of developing colorectal cancer almost doubles in an individual with a history of colorectal cancer in first-degree relatives (parents, brother, sister, or child). The risk further increases several folds for such individuals if the first-degree relative gets diagnosed with the disease at an age.

Genetic Cancer Predisposition Syndromes

Following are some examples

  • Lynch syndrome or hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer
  • Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP)
  • Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
  • Juvenile polyposis

Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Individuals with a history of colorectal cancer, adenomatous polyps, inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease) are generally at higher risk of developing colorectal cancer. Ulcerative colitis carries a risk of colorectal carcinoma 30 times greater than general population. Risk increases with duration of disease. After 30 years, risk increases to 35%. Crohn’s disease associated with 10-20 fold increased risk of cancer. Need to do surveillance in these population.

Colonic Polyps

Most cases of colorectal cancer risk factors develop from non-cancerous adenomatous polyps through a process called adenoma-carcinoma sequence.

Old Age

Older age individuals are generally at increased risk of developing colorectal cancer. Older age is also associated with high-grade dysplasia within an adenoma, independent of size and histology.

Lifestyle Factors

Colon Cancer treatment in gurgaon: Tobacco/cigarette smoking, excess alcohol consumption, and low physical activity have been reported to increase the risk of developing colorectal cancer. Cigarette smoking- More than 20 pack years increases the risk of large adenoma, and more than 35 pack years increases cancer risk. Obesity, diabetes mellitus (especially type 2 diabetes), high waist girth are some other risk factors for colorectal cancer.

Dietary Factors

Consumption of red and processed meat, high-calorie diet, animal fat; and low intake of fruits and vegetables, fish, legumes, dietary fibers, and vitamins have been implicated to elevate the risk of colorectal cancer. Alcohol consumption increases risk and no clear cut risk seen with tea or coffee.


Use of certain drugs like aspirin, other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID), hormone replacement therapy, and COX-2 inhibitors have been reported to decrease the incidence of colorectal cancer. Folate is protective and calcium supplementation decrease the risk of new adenomas.

What are the Symptoms and Signs of Colon Cancer? How do I know if I have Colon Cancer or not?

Early warning signs of colon cancer

  • Changes in the bowel habit – Colonic mass may cause constipation due to the obstruction of colon that may prevent the passage of stools. It may also cause diarrhea or loose stools.
  • Abdominal pain or discomfort – This may be caused due to obstuction/constipation. Other causes may be ascitis or fluid collection in peritoneal cavity, gaseous distension, or metasstasis to other abdominal organs.
  • Bloating or sense of abdominal distension – It may be gaseous distension due to non-passage of flatus, or may be caused due to constipation or ascitis.
  • Reddish or blackish stools – Fresh blood in stools may cause reddish discoloration, that may occur due to low lying tumor or due to excessive blood loss from tumor. Whereas, passage of clotted blood may cause blackish stools.
  • Nausea and/or vomiting – Non passage of stools and/or gases may cause the sensation of nausea and/or vamiting.
  • Tumors in the distal part (left-sided colon) or in the rectum are generally associated with blood in stool, altered bowel habit and/or obstructive symptoms.
  • While tumors in proximal (right-sided colon) causes occult blood in stools or malena (dark tarry feces).

What are the signs of end stage colon cancer

  • Ascitis or fluid collection in abdomen causing distension – Peritoneal metastasis may cause ascitis (or fluid collection in peritoneal cavity) that may lead to abdominal distension when the fluid accumulates above a vertain volume.
  • Breathlessness, cough, chest discomfort – Spread of the tumor to lungs and/or pleural cavity (leading to pleural effusion) may cause difficulty in breathing, pain during inspiration, cough, etc.
  • Jaundice – Yellowish discoloration of eyes and/or urine may occur as a result of tumor metastasis to the liver.

Most common sites of spread of colon cancer are liver, peritoneum and lung.

What are the Tests or Investigations to be done to confirm the diagnosis of Colon Cancer?

Once someone is suspected to have colon cancer based on signs and symptoms, further investigations are needed to confirm the diagnosis and stage the disease. Some diagnostic techniques can accurately determine the extent of cancer invasion in the intestinal wall and spread of the disease to other body parts, which in turn help in selecting an appropriate treatment option.

Digital Rectal Examination

Digital rectal examination can be done in which a doctor examines the rectum for an abnormality by inserting a lubricated, gloved finger via the anus. This test can provide little information about cancer within the rectum or in nearby organs. Thus, detailed investigations are required to establish the diagnosis of cancer.

Barium Enema/Double-Contrast Barium Enema (DCBE)

In double contrast barium enema, a thick, viscous liquid containing barium (a heavy element that reflects x-rays) and the air is administered into the rectum and colon via the anus. Then, x-rays images are obtained for the lower abdomen where any polyps or cancer lesions are detected by the irregular barium coating. The test has relatively higher sensitivity for larger lesions and in symptomatic patients. It cannot be used to determine the extent of invasion or the spread of cancer to distant organs.


Colonoscopy is a diagnostic technique which uses a colonoscope that enables to directly observe the lining of the rectum and entire colon to look for any abnormality and collect biopsy. It is one of the most important investigations which is required to confirm the disease. In this, a colonoscope is passed through the rectum into the intestine, that helps in localising the site of the tumor. We can take a biopsy from the tumor for histopathological diagnosis. Also we can do an endoscopic ultrasound, to assess the depth of infiltration of tumor and involvement of adjacent structures and regional lymph nodes by the tumor.

Flexible sigmoidoscopy

This technique is very similar to with the only difference being the extent of the area examined during the test. Sigmoidoscopy helps in examining the distal part of the colon and the complete rectum.

Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)

An elevated level of serum CEA may be associated with colorectal cancer, but it may be false positive or false negative in some cases. This can, however, be useful in assessing the efficacy of the treatment/surgery and the progression/recurrence of the disease. CEA is the tumor marker for colon cancer. Baseline level of CEA should be done to assess the response to treatment.

Laboratory and Imaging

Biopsy samples contains a small piece of tissue, collected from the colonic mass with the help of a biopsy instrument. Imaging tests help in staging of the disease. CT scan of abdomen helps us to assess the local and distant spread of the tumor to other structures. Rarely, PET CT scan may also be required. Imaging of chest with X-ray or CT scan may also be required in some cases, depending upon the symptoms.

How do I know my Stage of Colon Cancer?

This pouch-like structure, present at the beginning of the colon is called as caecum. caecum This part, present on the right side of the abdomen, extending upwards from the caecum is called an ascending colon. ascending colon The longest part of the colon, that extends from the right to the left side of the abdomen, is called as transverse colon. transverse colon And this part, which extends downwards from transverse colon, on the left side of the abdomen, is called as descending colon.

And this last part, which connects colon to the rectum and anal canal is called as sigmoid colon. sigmoid colon These are the loops of the small intestine that occupy the central part of the abdomen. This is the cross-section from the wall of the colon, with the upper part being inside and lower part being outside of the wall. cross section from the wall of the colon The innermost layer is epithelium, followed by this layer called as lamina propria. Outer to which lies muscularis mucosa. Then comes the submucosa. Outer to which lies the muscularis propria which is followed by a layer of pericolorectal tissue. On the outermost aspect, lies this layer which is called as serosa.

T Staging

  • Tis – Pre-cancerous or cancer cells present only in the superficial layer (epithelium) of colorectal mucosa
  • T1 – Cancer extends to the lamina propria
  • T2 – Cancer extends to the muscular layer (muscularis propria)
  • T3 – Cancer extends through the muscularis propria into the pericolorectal tissues
  • T4a – Cancer has invaded up to the outermost serosa layer (or visceral peritoneum)
  • T4b – Cancer has invaded into the adjacent structures/organs like small intestine, kidneys, pancreas, or stomach.

N Staging

Now we will discuss the N staging or the nodal staging for colon cancer. In this figure, you can see the draining lymph nodes for the colon. colon cancer N staging It can be called as N0, N1 or N2, depending upon the number of lymph nodes involved.

  • N0 – Cancer has not spread to regional lymph nodes
  • N1 – Cancer has spread to 1 to 3 nearby lymph nodes
  • N2a – Cancer has spread to 4 to 6 nearby lymph nodes.
  • N2b – Cancer has spread to >/=7 nearby lymph nodes.

M Staging

Colon Cancer surgeon in gurgaon: Lastly, we will discuss the M-staging or the metastatic staging of the colon cancer. Liver is the most common site for the distant spread of the tumor from colon.

Due to the direction of vascular drainage, after liver, lungs are the second most common organs involved by metastasis.

This figure shows the spread of colon cancer to both the lungs, in form of multiple nodular deposits. And sometimes, both lungs and liver maybe involved in the metastatic spread of the disease, as we can see in this figure. metastasis to both lungs The tumor may also spread to the peritoneum, in form of peritoneal deposits. spread to the peritoneum It may rarely spread to one or both the ovaries. Very rarely, the tumor may also spread to the brain or bones.

  • M1a – Cancer has spread to one distant organ without peritoneal spread.
  • M1b – Cancer that has spread to >/=2 distant organs without peritoneal spread.
  • M1c – Cancer that has spread to peritoneum with or without other sites.

Based on the TNM classification described above, colon cancer may be divided into 4 stages as descibed below.

Stage TNM
0 Tis N0 M0
I T1-2 N0 M0
IIA T3 N0 M0
IIB T4a N0 M0
IIC T4b N0 M0
IIIA T1-2 N1/1c M0 , T1 N2a M0
IIIB T3-4a N1/1c M0 , T2-3 N2a M0 , T1-2 N2b M0
IIIC T4a N2a M0 , T3-4a N2b M0 , T4b N1-2 M0
IVA Any T Any N M1a
IVB Any T Any N M1b
IVC Any T Any N M1c

Stage 1

Stage 1 colon cancer includes cases with T1 and T2 disease, that is, disease extending upto muscularis propria. As you can see in the figure below, colon cancer extends up to the submucosa. If it is only limited upto the submucosa, it is called as T1 disease. In the following figure, it extends upto the muscularis propria. Such cases when colon cancer extends deeper to infiltrate into muscle layer, it is called T2.

Stage 2

It includes cases of T3 and T4 disease. In T3, cancer extends through the muscularis propria into the pericolorectal tissues. In T4a, cancer has invaded up to the outermost serosa layer of colonic wall. In T4a, colon cancer has invaded into the adjacent structures/organs like small intestine, kidneys, pancreas, or stomach. A tumor present in almost any part of the colon may infiltrate into the small intestine.

Stage 3

All node positive cases come under stage 3 disease. It may be N0, N1 or N2 depending upon the number of lymph nodes involved. It has been discussed above in N staging.

Stage 4

It is also called as metastatic colon cancer. When the disease spread to non-regional lymph nodes or distant sites, it is called as stage 4. It has been discussed in detail above in M staging.

What is the Treatment for Colon Cancer? Where can I get the best treatment for Colon Cancer in Gurgaon?

Oncoexperts is a cancer clinic in Gurgaon for treatment for colon cancer from our team of cancer experts that include gastrointestinal oncosurgeons, surgical oncologists, medical oncologists, and radiation oncologists who are experts in treating all types of colon cancer.

Colon cancer can be divided into 4 stages from 1 to 4. Treatment options vary depending on the stage of colon cancer along with other factors. Here, we will be discussing the treatment options depending on stage.

Treatment Based on Stage

Stage 1

Stage 1 colon cancer includes T1 and T2 disease.

  • In T1, the disease extends up to the submucosa.
  • In T2, it extends upto the muscularis propria.

Now, we will discuss the treatment of T1 or T2 disease, without any lymph node involvement. Surgical resection of the colon is the treatment in these cases, which may be in the form of right or left hemicolectomy, or transverse colectomy. The figure below shows a simple diagram to understand the extent of colon removed in a colectomy. On the left side (lighter portion) shows the extent of colonic resection for right hemicolectomy, done for right sided and colonic tumors. And the left side, dark portion shows the extent of colonic resection for left hemicolectomy, done for left sided colon tumors.

Sometimes, the tumor may be located in the center of transverse colon, when the colonic resection is transverse colectomy, in which the transverse colon is removed.

These is no role of any adjuvant treatment (treatment given after surgery) in the form if radiation or chemotherapy, in stage 1 colon tumors. Patient can be kept on regular follow-up.

Stage 2

Now we come to the treatment of the stage 2 disease. It includes cases of T3 and T4 disease. In T3, cancer extends through the muscularis propria into the pericolorectal tissues. Surgery of the colon is the mainstay of the treatment in these cases, as we have discussed previously for stage 1 disease, and chemotherapy may be added in selected patients, with high-risk disease.

Which patients will receive chemotherapy is decided by the oncologist, depending upon the clinical presentation of the patient, tumor marker levels, imaging findings, his pathological report, and performance status of the patient.

T4a disease extends up to the serosa. Surgery, followed by chemotherapy is the standard treatment for T4a disease. Now we come to the treatment for T4b disease, that is, the disease which extends through the wall of the colon to involve the adjacent structures. Surgery followed by chemotherapy is the standard treatment for most of the patients of T4b disease.

Stage 3

When colon cancer spreads to involve regional lymph nodes, it is called as stage 3 disease. In such cases, irrespective of the T status of the patient, chemotherapy should be added to surgery. But again, the final decision is taken by the oncologist on an individual patient basis, after assessing the performance status and the disease of the patient.

Stage 4

Now, we come to metastatic or stage 4 colon cancer treatment. It may present as metastasis to liver or lungs. Treatment of metastatic disease depends on whether it is resectable or non-resectable.

Non-Resectable Stage 4

Most cases of metastatic disease are treated with chemotherapy with/without targeted therapy. Immunotherapy is also an option for treatment of metastatic colon cancer.

Resectable Stage 4

In some selected cases, with limited metastasis to liver and/or lungs, tumor resection may be possible. Also in unresectable disease, it may become resectable if it responds nicely to treatment. When limited liver metastasis involves only a small part of liver, surgical resection may be tried. Similarly, if lung metastasis is localised to only a small part, that can be removed safely, resection may be done.

Other modalities like radiotherapy, surgery or bone-directed therapy, may also be used, for palliation or relief of symptom. Always remember that the treatment for metastatic colon cancer is not generally curative, so the main intent for the treatment is a prolongation of life, reduction of symptoms and improvement of the quality of life. With this, we come to the end of metastatic colon cancer treatment.

Role of Targeted Therapy

Cetuximab and Panitumumab target epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) protein. Bevacizumab targets vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptor. They are generally used alone or in combination with chemotherapy for the treatment of higher stage disease.

Role of Immunotherapy

Pembrolizumab and nivolumab have been approved as the second- or third-line therapy for patients with unresectable or advanced/metastatic, dMMR/MSI-H positive colorectal cancers that have progressed on prior treatment (except a checkpoint inhibitor).

Role of Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy may be used for colon cancer in adjuvant setting (after surgical resection of tumor) or metastatic setting (palliative intent). Various chemotherapy regimens have been approved for colon cancer treatment.

Some drugs that are a part of treatment regimens for colon cancer include-

  • Fluorouracil
  • Oxaliplatin
  • Irinotecan
  • Capecitabine

Where can I find the best specialists for Colon Cancer treatment in Gurgaon?

Dr Sunny Garg is a renowned Medical Oncologist in New Delhi with an experience of more than 10 years of treating colorectal cancer patients. He has treated colorectal cancer patients with Chemotherapy, Targeted Therapy, Immunotherapy and Personalized Cancer Treatment. He is currently practicing at Sanar International Hospitals, Golf Course Road, Gurgaon.

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Sunny Garg
Dr. Sunny Garg

Best Oncologist in Gurgaon & Cancer Specialist - Oncoexperts

Dr Sunny Garg is a renowned Medical Oncologist in New Delhi with an experience of more than 10 years of treating cancer patients.

He has studied in one of the most reputed educational institutes of India. He has done his MBBS and MD Internal Medicine from Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University. Thereafter, he has undergone training in Medical Oncology (DM Medical Oncology) from Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology, Bengaluru. He has worked in leading cancer centers in Delhi, and currently practicing at Manipal Hospital, Dwarka, New Delhi.

Dr Sunny Garg has extensive knowledge and experience in the field of oncology, and has treated all cancer types, in various stages, including hard to treat cases. He is well versed with various modalities for cancer treatment like Chemotherapy, Immunotherapy, Targeted Therapy, Hormonal Therapy and Personalised Cancer Therapy.